Preparing for Test 3

    Test 3 will be in class on Wednesday, 2 April. This will use the normal class time, so you will have 50 minutes to complete the test. The test will be similar to Test 2, but focused on new content.

    This preparation guide has advice on how to prepare for the test, and problems to practice to be confident you are ready for the test:


    Preparation Guide for Test 3

    Class 28: Stonger (?) Induction


    • Problem Set 6 is due on Thursday, March 27, 8:29pm: [PDF] [Template]
    • Test 3 will be in class on Wednesday, 2 April (will be similar in format to Test 2; we will provide a preparation guide with practice problems on Friday)


    • Proofs using stronger induction
    • Winning the Takeaway game

    10am Section: [Slides (PDF)] [Video]
    2pm Section: [Slides (PDF)] [Video]

    Class 27: Induction Takeaways


    • Problem Set 6 is due on Thursday, March 27, 8:29pm: [PDF] [Template]
    • Test 3 will be in class on Wednesday, 2 April (will be similar in format to Test 2; we will provide a preparation guide with practice problems on Friday)


    • Defining the takeaway game
    • Proof that takeaway always finishes

    10am Section: [Slides (PDF)] [Video]
    2pm Section: [Slides (PDF)] [Video]

    Class 26: Power(set) of Induction

    Website Update

    The Problem Sets and Tests are now available on easy to find pages on the course website (and the menu).

    Note that we have made a update to the solution to the last problem on Test 2: it is true that the set \( \mathbb{M} \) only contains the element \( \emptyset \), but there are many indonktive sets (including one that contains the elements that correspond to the set of natural numbers). The key aspect of the definition of \( \mathbb{M} \) is that it is the elements that are in any indonktive set, so for an element to be in \( \mathbb{M} \) it has to be in every indonktive set, and the only element that is in every indonktive set is \( \emptyset \). (Thanks to Alex Boback for noticing this!)


    • Problem Set 6 is now posted and is due on Thursday, March 27, 8:29pm: [PDF] [Template]


    • Power Set size proof

    10am Section: [Slides (PDF)] [Video]
    2pm Section: [Slides (PDF)] [Video]

    Class 25: Proofs by Induction


    • Problem Set 6 is now posted and is due on Thursday, March 27, 8:29pm. Template: [PDF]

    • Problem Set ω is an optional problem set that is not like the others. It is posted here and due on Thursday, 20 March, 8:29pm.


    Proofs using the Induction Principle:

    • Gauss Sum
    • Power set size

    10am Section: [Slides (PDF)] [Something is messed up with the video, sorry!]

    2pm Section: [Slides (PDF)] [Video]

    Problem Set ω

    Problem Set ω is an optional problem set that is due on 20 March, 8:29pm.

    This problem set is not like the others. Instead of providing an overleaf template for this, the assignment is in a Colab Notebook here: Problem Set ω Notebook. If you already have experience with Jupyter notebooks and prefer to work on the notebook locally, you can instead download the notebook from and do your work locally.

    We hope you will find this assignment worthwhile, but it is not required and not graded like the other problem sets. Read the directions in the assignment for details. Also, note that the collaboration policy for this assignment is different: you can work with other students, but credit will be divided by the square root of your group size.

    You should be able to get started on this by clicking the link in your favorite web browser, and then select File | Save a copy in Drive to have an editable and executable version to use for your work. (Note that this does require a Google account.

    When you are done, you will File | Download | Download .ipynb to obtain the file you will submit.

    Class 23: ω, Z, ZF, ZFC, and Zero


    • Enjoy Spring Break! There are not required assignments due until PS6, which will be due on Thursday, 27 March.

    • Problem Set ω is an optional problem set that is not like the others. It is posted here and due on Thursday, 20 March, 8:29pm.

    • Here’s the info on the ACM Dinner (with Dave) that Shreyas talked about: 19 March, 6-8 PM, Rice 103 with food from “Lucky Blue’s”. To signup:


    • ω (omega)
    • Z, ZF, ZFC and the General Well Ordering Theorem
    • Is Zero a Natural Number?

    10am Section: [Slides (PDF)] [Video]
    2pm Section: [Slides (PDF)] (I wasn’t able to get the video recorder to work for this class, but content was the same as for the 10am section: [Video]